This page is a link page to different PHP pages that I build as I study PHP....sample code is used on each of these pages....

Trying to work submit to Barbie....

Tutorial Work Oct 31st




Leaders Form

Simple Form


Comment Block sample-this one does not work correctly....hmmmm. yes it does...a comment if for the reader of the code....not for the viewer of the page...duhhhh...that's what a comment means...

Variables1               Variable2           Variable echo text


Concatenation Operator            This works now but copy and paste from the tutorial did not quite work...needed to edit out stuff after pasting in to code....when there is an error....the screen comes up with a Parse error

$txt1="Hello World!";
$txt2="What a nice day!";
echo $txt1 . " " . $txt2;

Above is the concatenation operator...Notice the Space character between the quotation addition to the $txt1 and $txt code.... If I add another space between do I get two spaces? hmmmm.
No because PHP ignores spaces and it just puts the new text immediately after the first set of text....

I'll try to add another set of quotes or two....this did not work...not yet known how to move text to the next line....hmmmm..


strlen() function --I think this means the string lingth function that tells the length of a string...but not sure what string it is.

Login code copied from net...

Login 2nd type

Login 2ndA1 type